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The FleasGone Tag


FleasGone tag is the world's most trusted and longest-lasting natural flea and tick repellant solution.


The FleasGone Tag does NOT kill parasites, it repels them. We recommend the use of a flea comb and baths with an anti-parasite shampoo, or other natural products, to aid with eradicating any living parasites and/or their eggs when switching to the FleasGone Tag.


The most effective preparation for your pet, however, is to use a chemical spot-on treatment when the tag is attached. The spot-on treatment will kill the existing parasites and their eggs for one month, by which time the tag will have become active in repelling parasites for the next five years.


To ensure continuous protection for the specified life of the tag, it must be kept on the pet at all times. Removing the tag for any amount of time will require going through the activation programme again, during which the tag will not be effective.


For guaranteed results, please follow the instructions provided with each tag.

FleasGone natural flea & tick repellant tag

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